Life Through My Eyes

Life Through My Eyes

Friday, September 10, 2010

I Was Once A Bike Commuter

There was a time that in my life when I would pedal my way to work and school. I was the person who watched Good Day Sacramento religiously and made comments about how crazy those people were sitting in traffic at the toll plaza for hours. Well, today I was reminded that I am now one of those crazy people. I have gone from bike commuter to bay area commuter. I must say though, I started work at 7am so I made it before the heavy traffic. That is always a plus, even though a 4am wake up call may not be.

I am sorry that I often have some bodily function or nasty comment in posts, but I really hate the fact that the rest stop in Vallejo is closed. It KILLS me every time. I mean what is a girl to do after two double espressos, a full water bottle, and a 2hour drive. EEK. Holding it is out of the question and I am always too embarrassed to walk into a place without purchasing anything. I am not against the side of the road, but I don’t need an indecent exposure fine or anything. I opted to pretend I was getting gas, and go. I feel bad for the next few people who had to use the restroom. Sorry. My excuse has always been my fast metabolism. Haha

Anyways, the day went well. If anyone needs a little confidence booster, go work in Cardiac Rehab. I heard I was beautiful and thin over and over and over and over............ ok I guess you get the point. I even had one patient tell me that I intimidated her because I was “skinny.” I guess that was her excuse not to exercise for the day. Maybe she was expecting an overweight Exercise Physiologist. I made her walk anyway and told her that was how I stayed skinny. Lets see other questions I got were: 1) How old are you? 2) Are you married? 3) Where are you from? I never disclosed my age, told them I had a boyfriend, and replied Amador County. People always say I have an accent, and think I am from the south. I don’t know why. It must be because I grew up around my German family from Minnesota. No one knows where AC is, so that’s always a lost cause trying to explain. As for my age, I just really don’t think they need to know. They always use their ages as an excuse not to exercise, so I don’t want to give them the leverage of being older.................. even though 50-70 years is noticeable. I just pretend that I am between 70 and 100 too. Haha. The ladies really like to gab. I know all about their husbands. I guess some things never change ladies. I can picture myself and Brynne in Cardiac Rehab 50 years from now.

The day was a success. I love the staff and the patients. I have absolutely nothing to complain about other then the fact that I am exhausted. Well I am home now and really need some sleep. I would love to go watch Keith race tonight, but I really can’t get back in that car. I am going to make the cats take a nap with me. SLEEP........ I need you.


  1. Wow! congrats on your new job after a much-hard-earned MS degree! But wow! What a commute...and I'm not surprised by all the flattering comments either ;-) Good luck and I hopefully you won't have to commute like that for long ?!

  2. Well the good news is that I am only doing it 2x a week. I am getting a little experience and hoping to one day get a full time gig. It's a good way to ease into it though. I am sure we will move if I go full time. I will be back to bike commuting soon. Don't worry. hahaha Until the, skiing season!!!!

  3. Hey, next time a 55 year old uses her age as an excuse, tell her you know a 55 year old marathoner who used to have a bad back, bad knees, and a few extra pounds. Helen Klein started running at 55 and ran well into her 80's.
    Congrats on the job, and I'm with you on the Vallejo rest stop. It's just WRONG to close those things!!!

  4. I remember talking about Helen in my Sports and Aging class at Sac State. That is sooo funny. I will make sure I tell them about that. They wont believe me. haha

  5. Congrats on your job, Jen. Keep inspiring the oldsters, and youngsters to exercise. My co worker and I had pedometer wars.
