Life Through My Eyes

Life Through My Eyes

Friday, July 1, 2011

Celebrating One Year “Life Through My Eyes”

July 2nd  2011 marks the first anniversary of “Life Through My Eyes.”  I really don’t have the slightest idea what possessed me to start blogging.  I suppose I was bored after graduation and decided to jump start my blogging career.  I knew I couldn’t be just another Norcal biking blog, so I decided to share my adventures, my stories and my life with the world.

That is exactly what I have done the past year in 32 blog posts...............

The First Post: The Belly Up Lizard
The Missing Shirt and the Mystery Backpack
Inside the Innie Canyon
Jessica Rabbit and Crazy Cruella
A Toast to the “Red Headed Slut”
The Litter Disaster
One too Many M&M’s in the Trail Mix Bag
Life on the A List
I Was Once A Bike Commuter
The Weekend Recap- Folsom Cyclebration
Cardiology III
Urban Cow Half Marathon
Lucky n Life
Aloha from Hawaii!!!
Diving Deep 36 Feet
Rewriting Maui Revealed
Carcassonne and Craters
November in a Nutshell
A Letter To My Biological Father
An Addendum To Those Who Don’t Understand
The Physique Rating
Energy Bars
The Amateur Porta Potty User (APPU)
Oatmeal-Peanut Butter Bars
Daily Dialogue
The Votes Are In!
The Horton Tsunami
My Morning Show
A Little Cat Nap
Crazy People Call Blocked
A Childhood Home

This past year you have followed me from the back yard pool to the big city.  You felt the pain in my legs as I rode up Carson Pass and the burning of my lungs as I ran Urban Cow.  We relaxed on Hawaiian beaches, hiked picturesque Craters, and strutted on pageant runways.  We laughed when I ripped the ass out of my pants and were disgusted as I attempted to clean my belly button with an aerosol can.  You realized you weren't alone when you read my personal stories and gave me words of encouragement for the future.  You were there through it all!

Now that I have actually documented how many life changing events can happen in a years time, heading into year number two is unsettling.  I am going into this next year with an empty mind completely clueless as to what adventures lie ahead, just as I did in the past as I turned circles in the pool and wrote my first blog.  

It has been a crazy busy year, and a wonderful one at that.  I am so blessed to have shared it with all of you.  I hope you continue to follow me through my life.

Thanks for reading:)
