Life Through My Eyes

Life Through My Eyes

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Little Cat Nap

I have had so many exciting things to blog about over the last month, but no time to do so.  I am a firm believer in moving forward, so unfortunately you will not get to hear about all of my hmmmmmmmmm, what did I do over the last month?  O'well, moving forward.

I actually took a few days off of work this week, one for a dentist appointment to have a cavity filled and two for a race that ended up being cancelled.  I have instead been spending my days off returning curtains to ikea, food shopping, and getting the oil changed in my car.  You would think I would measure the windows in the house before I left, but no, that would be too easy and make way too much sense.  These may seem like simple little tasks, but when you attempt to cram them into your 40 hour work week, it is nearly impossible.  I am actually feeling more tired today then I do when I go to work.  Now that I have been home for two days, I realize just how long a "cat nap" actually is.  It's all damn day around hear!  I don't even think Mahoney and Vella have gotten up to poop yet.  I decided to take a short version of a cat-nap myself.  It ended abruptly in a panic because i thought I had a book report due.  Book report????  When was the last time I even had to do one of those?  I finished Grad school a year ago, so I have no clue where that came from.  It was probably because the last time I had the opportunity to take a nap, I was in grade school.   The nap must have triggered a certain area of my brain to think I had a grade school project to do.  Thank heavens no.  I am done with that.

Well toodles.

Jennifer Marie


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